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NordinPine LVL Formwork Bearers, sized at 150x75, are a robust and versatile choice for supporting formwork systems in construction projects. Constructed using laminated veneer lumber (LVL) technology, these bearers offer exceptional strength and stability, surpassing traditional timber options. Their engineered design ensures consistent performance, making them well-suited for demanding construction applications.

With a thickness of 150mm and a width of 75mm, these NordinPine LVL Formwork Bearers provide ample load-bearing capacity and structural support for formwork systems. Their precisely machined dimensions and smooth surface finish facilitate easy installation and alignment on construction sites, enhancing overall efficiency and productivity.

Designed to withstand heavy loads and repeated use, NordinPine LVL Formwork Bearers offer long-lasting durability and resilience in challenging construction environments. Their high-strength properties make them suitable for a wide range of formwork applications, including slab construction, beam and column formwork, and wall formwork systems.

Whether you're working on residential, commercial, or industrial projects, NordinPine LVL Formwork Bearers provide the reliability, durability, and dimensional stability necessary to meet the demands of modern construction practices. Trust in their quality and performance to ensure the success and safety of your formwork installations.

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